
In the Swedish news (DN) today there is an article written by Gertrud Hellbrand about blogging as a phenomenon.
” to confirm the existence of one self – to be seen is to exist”…Interesting!!!!!!!!
Thank you all for comments, they really encourage me!
And today, when I draw the note and read the name...Tiny Red…Some people are lucky in play, is that your way Theresa?
I take one more… and this time it is Charlotte Tollsten. I will send the cups to you this week, hope that you will like them.

8 kommentarer:

mansuetude sa...

blogging is a strange and sometimes confounding activity; but we are doing it as an evolving experience and experiment, too... in some ways bloggers will decide the importance of it; if anything like wars ever happens, like now, the fires in Australia, the little connections we make blogging now, become more like an information system; like news.

After all that "talk", a happy day to your good heart...

myszy sa...

It is interesting. A friend of mine once noticed that he met somebody an asked them if they had a blog. When he learnt they didn't, he realized he didn't feel like getting to know the person as reading their blog would be much easier and quicker. He surprised even himself then and thought blogging could be a bit dangerous, too.

Maria sa...

SKa läsa den artikeln! Och dessutom ska jag få tummen ur och börja prenumerera på DN som maken tjatat om ett tag =)

●• Thereza sa...

OH MY GOD, how LUCKY am i ?????!!!!
so exciting to get another beauty brought by the postman from you!! :)

●• Thereza sa...

ohhh loving these pictures of your desk and that communication going... lovely as ever!

Veja cecilia sa...

Lucky Tiny red:)

Charlotte Tollstén sa...

Men oj, vilken överaskning!!
Tusen tack, nu blev jag väldigt väldigt glad. Vilken bra start på veckan!!

marie-louise sa...

Mansuetude and Myszy,
Thanks for your thoughts
about blogging - and if I did not think it was so hard to write in English I would be more active in the diskussions...Thanks again!!!!

Och till er andra, Hej - hoppas ni får en bra arbetsvecka!