I love to read in bed, and this is my favorites just now, female comics in Swedish. Unfortunately they have not been translated yet.
Liv Strömqvist and Coco Modysson

6 kommentarer:

Fine Little Day sa...

Skulle jag vilja titta närmare på.

Måste bara förtydliga att det inte är jag som gjort "Ansiktsburk"-filmerna Marie-Louise, utan "För Hilding du äter marmelad", vilken (än så länge) bara ligger ute på youtube utan bild. Hälsningar

●• Thereza sa...

but i can tell by the gorgeous imagery they're wonderful books. that Yoko ono is priceless! lovely, thanks for sharing dear!

mansuetude sa...

that's quite a powerful image... and comic, too... interesting.

Veronika sa...

Hej, vilken fin blogg du har!Och vilken vacker keramik... Jag har oxå Liv Strömquists bok "Einteins fru" hemma. Gillar inslagen med Sting där.

Gracia sa...

Yeah, me too. I love reading in bed, all cosy and warm, and tucked away from the world outside.

Esti sa...

i'm into comic books a lot lately too. And I also read in bed. In fact, it's the only place I can read at... :)