
Headache, cough and a high temperature. I’m lying in bed all the time and it’s so boring…

12 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

your blog is very nice......

please visit my blog:

Julia sa...

Krya på dig!

Veja cecilia sa...

åh, trist. krya på dig! Passa på att teckna febriga landskap:)

Mary-Laure sa...

Oh no... Make sure to rest and drink plenty of water. Listen to your body.

Gracia sa...

Oh, that is no good. Wishing you well, g xo

●• Thereza sa...

ohh my god, you poor thing...
get better soon!!!!

take care sweetie.


Esti sa...

oooh, poor you. I hope you feel better soon. Take a rest and some medicine... :)

Alexandra Hedberg sa...

krya pa dig!

Andrea Tachezy sa...

I hope, you´ll feel better soon!

marie-louise sa...

Thanks for all comments, it warms my heart!!!!!
And now it's time for work again
and time for me to visit your blogs, see you!

Anne sa...

hoppas du mår bättre snart!

Charlotte Tollstén sa...

ÅÅ, så trist..
Hoppas du är på benen igen.
Jag var ju nyss sjuk, och så idag....ont i halsen igen....trist
: )